Adeyinka (yinka) Adegbenle

About Me

About Adeyinka

Adeyinka (Yinka) Adegbenle, MBA, PMI-PMP, TEFL, TEYL is a Thought Leader on Excellence Principles. She is an Excellence Strategist| Coach| Teacher and Author. She teaches Transformational Principles of Excellence that lead to Growth and lasting success. Adeyinka has helped many obtain outstanding measurable results by equipping them with dynamic habits and systems of excellence.

A former financial services professional, Adeyinka has a record of success in complex organizations that include Fortune 500 Multi-Nationals with 75,000+ employees and $30 Billion+ in Revenue.

My Story

In 2009 at the height of the Great Recession, Adeyinka had the rug pulled from under her when she lost her revered position in the Financial Services industry. It was during that period that she discovered the Principles of Excellence that she used to transform her life. She has spent over a decade gaining mastery of the Disciplines and Systems of Excellence.

She now teaches these Transformative Principles of Excellence in her programs.

Adeyinka has shared her stories with thousands on many leading podcasts that include:

Adeyinka is a graduate of Long Island University, New York, with an MBA in International Business Relations. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Economics from the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom. She is a Certified Project Manager – PMI-PMP, and she holds an advanced certification in teaching English to adults and young learners: TEFL, TEYL.

Adeyinka is a wife and mother. She is an avid house plant lover and enjoys hiking and trying out different baking and cooking recipes.

JOAB, KING DAVID's top general

From Joab’s story and the eighteen fundamentals on character culled from the chapters of this book, you will learn:

The lessons and principles in this book are all very applicable and relevant to today’s leader.

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